Based on Alabama’s articulation system, the following “core courses” are guaranteed to transfer to any public college in Alabama to satisfy degree requirements in Areas I-IV. Courses not listed in the core may satisfy graduation requirements at Northeast and also may be accepted for transfer to other colleges. Please consult your advisor for additional information.
Area I — Written Composition
ENG 101 English Composition I
ENG 102 English Composition II
Area II — Humanities and Fine Arts
ART 100 Art Appreciation
ART 203 Art History I
ART 204 Art History II
ENG 251 American Literature I
ENG 252 American Literature II
ENG 261 English Literature I
ENG 262 English Literature II
ENG 271 World Literature I
ENG 272 World Literature II
MUS 101 Music Appreciation
PHL 206 Ethics and Society
REL 100 History of World Religions
REL 151 Survey of Old Testament
REL 152 Survey of New Testament
SPA 101 Introductory Spanish I
SPA 102 Introductory Spanish II
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II
SPH 106 Fundamentals of Oral Communication
SPH 107 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
THR 120 Theatre Appreciation
THR 126 Introduction to Theatre
Area III — Natural Sciences and Mathematics
AST 220 Introduction to Astronomy
BIO 103 Principles of Biology I
BIO 104 Principles of Biology II
CHM 104 Introduction to Chemistry
CHM 105 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
CHM 111 College Chemistry I
CHM 112 College Chemistry II
MTH 110 Finite Mathematics
MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra
MTH 113 Precalculus Trigonometry
MTH 120 Calculus and Its Applications
MTH 125 Calculus I
MTH 126 Calculus II
MTH 227 Calculus III
MTH 237 Linear Algebra
MTH 238 Applied Differential Equations I
MTH 265 Elementary Statistics*
PHS 111 Physical Science I
PHS 112 Physical Science II
PHY 120 Introduction to Physics
PHY 201 General Physics I
PHY 202 General Physics II
PHY 213 General Physics with Calculus I
PHY 214 General Physics with Calculus II
Area IV— History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences
ECO 231 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 232 Principles of Microeconomics
GEO 100 World Regional Geography
HIS 101 Western Civilization I
HIS 102 Western Civilization II
HIS 201 United States History I
HIS 202 United States History II
POL 211 American National Government
PSY 200 General Psychology
PSY 210 Human Growth & Development
SOC 200 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210 Social Problems
The General Education Programs for the A.A., A.S., and A.A.S. Degrees is comprised of a minimum of 15 semester hours of course work with at least one course from each of the following: humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral sciences, and natural sciences/mathematics. These courses comprise a substantial component of the A.A., A.S., and A.A.S., Degrees and include a breadth of knowledge appropriate for the collegiate-level student, not narrowly focusing on skills, techniques, and procedures specific to a particular occupation or profession.
*MTH 265 is now approved for Non-STEM majors.
The following table designates the General Education Component which applies to all students—on campus, off-site, and distance education students. By following the appropriate transfer guide the student will be required to complete a minimum of one course in each of the following three areas:
General Education Component
Humanities/Fine Arts |
The following are considered pure humanities/arts courses: |
ART 100 | ENG 262 | REL 151 |
ART 203 | ENG 271 | REL 152 |
ART 204 | ENG 272 | SPA 201 |
ENG 251 | MUS 101 | SPA 202 |
ENG 252 | PHL 206 | THR 120 |
ENG 261 | REL 100 | THR 126 |
Social/Behavioral Sciences |
ECO 231 | HIS 102 | PSY 200 |
ECO 232 | HIS 201 | PSY 210 |
GEO 100 | HIS 202 | SOC 210 |
Natural Science/Mathematics |
BIO 103 | MTH 103* | MTH 238 |
BIO 104 | MTH 116* | PHS 111 |
BIO 201* | MTH 110 | PHS 112 |
BIO 202* | MTH 112 | PHS 121* |
BIO 220* | MTH 113 | PHY 115* |
CHM 104 | MTH 120 | PHY 120 |
CHM 105 | MTH 125 | PHY 201 |
CHM 111 | MTH 126 | PHY 202 |
CHM 112 | MTH 227 | PHY 213 |
MTH 100* | MTH 237 | PHY 214 |
*Designates A.A.S. Degree Program only. |
Other courses which comprise the general education program at NACC include ENG 101 English Composition I and SPH 107 Fundamentals of Public Speaking. Note that neither of these courses are considered the one pure humanities course required of all students in all degree programs.