Wireless Internet Access Policy

Northeast Alabama Community College provides wireless data network access in select locations for the campus community. This access uses the 802.11b and 802.11g standards for speeds up to 54Mbps. Wireless networking is provided as a supplement to the College’s wired LAN network and is not considered a replacement for wired access. Use of the wireless network on campus is subject to the following rules:

  1. Wireless access on campus is subject to the college’s Acceptable Use Policy found in the college catalog and posted on campus.
  2. Connection of hubs, switches, routers, unapproved access points or any other device which may interfere with the campus network are not permitted.
  3. Any other action that is judged detrimental to campus network operation by the IT staff may be terminated.
  4. The wireless connection is a direct connection to the Internet with a basic firewall. The college does not provide virus or spyware scanning software for this connection, and therefore the risk of infections to computers increases. Connection users, not NACC, are responsible for infections originating from this wireless Internet connection

It is the responsibility of students and other computer users to read and become familiar with the institution’s Computer Technology Acceptable Use Policy.


Using any computer or information technology resource of Northeast Alabama Community College signifies that the user agrees to comply with the following NACC policies:

Computer Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policy
Wireless Access Policy