Student Right-to-Know Campus Safety Report

In compliance with the Campus Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Title II of Public Law 10 1-542) and The Higher Education Amendments of 1992 that expanded the security-related requirements of the Act, Northeast has established policies related to campus security and publishes reports regarding campus security. These policies and reports are found in the Annual Security Report, distributed annually to students and posted on the college website. This report details how to report emergencies and alleged crimes; campus security policies, procedures, and education programs; information on legal orders of protection; etc.

Students are encouraged to immediately report all acts of crime, violence, vandalism, and burglary to Campus Police (101 Student Center; Extension 2249; 256.609.1060). These types of acts can also be reported to the administrator on duty (Dean of Student Services, ext. 2278; Dean of Instruction, ext. 2294; Associate Dean of Instruction, ext. 2303; or the Dean of Administrative Services, ext. 2313) or other Campus Security Authority (See Campus Security Authorities). Radio communication equipment is available for contact with local municipal law enforcement. Each campus police officer is certified and has full arrest powers under the State of Alabama.

When such breaches of security occur, campus police will take reasonable action to minimize harm or threat of harm to college students, employees, and visitors. Acts of a criminal nature that may require investigation and prosecution will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authority. NACC allows voluntary, confidential reporting to Campus Security Authorities who are not campus police. The college will strive to protect confidentiality in Clery Act reporting and disclosures and will maintain confidentiality regarding the investigation, accommodations, and protective measures provided to the complainant except when maintaining confidentiality could cause harm to others or hinder an investigation.

Orientation sessions are conducted for new students. Each session addresses campus security procedures and encourages students to be responsible for their own and others’ safety and security by understanding safe bystander intervention techniques. Each student is sent a copy electronically of the “Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program” published by the college, which is also available on the college website. It includes information about the school’s policy regarding alcohol and drug-related violations, including use, sale, possession, and underage drinking. Additionally, educational programs on awareness and prevention of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, stalking, and bystander intervention are offered to students throughout the year. These programs are outlined within the Annual Security Report.