Student Learning Outcomes

General Education Outcomes

General Education Outcomes are concerned with the global abilities of students once they have earned a two-year college degree. To determine if students have these abilities it is necessary to ask the following questions: What abilities, talents, skills, and attitudes are expected of students when they complete a general education program and how do we know they have those traits? When students complete a major, have they learned what is needed to succeed in that field? When students complete a course, do they have the skills and abilities expected of them? What do students learn? How do we know they have learned it? The College has identified five competencies that students should attain as a result of completing the general education core courses:

  • Written Communication—Students will demonstrate adequate writing skills by developing ideas and organizing contents effectively. (ENG 100 and 101) 
  • Oral Communication—Students will articulate ideas, concepts, and theories in a clear fashion using language and elocution skills indicative of college-level preparation. (SPH  107)
  • Mathematical Computation—Students will compute basic mathematical operations accurately, comprehend mathematical information, and utilize analytical thinking skills to solve problems. (MTH 100 and MTH 116)
  • Computer Literacy—Students will use current technology and develop computer skills for informational, academic, personal, and professional needs. (CIS 146)
  • Information Literacy—Students will locate, access, and analyze information that facilitates learning and critical inquiry. (Library Orientation in ENG 101 and SPH 107)
  • Critical Thinking—Students will process and evaluate information carefully and then apply reasoning in the use of that information to make a decision and employ an action. (BIO 103 and BIO 201)

A.A. and A.S. Degree Programs

The A.A. and A.S. degree programs are designed for transfer and, as such, constitute a general/pre-liberal arts curriculum. The General Education Outcomes serve as the five competencies identified by the College that students should attain as a result of completing the A.A. or A.S. Degree Programs:

  • Written Communication—Students will demonstrate adequate writing skills by developing ideas and organizing contents effectively. (ENG 101)
  • Oral Communication—Students will articulate ideas, concepts, and theories in a clear fashion using language and elocution skills indicative of college-level preparation. (SPH 107)
  • Mathematical Computation—Students will compute basic mathematical operations accurately, comprehend mathematical information, and utilize analytical thinking skills to solve problems. (MTH 100 and MTH 116)
  • Computer Literacy—Students will use current technology and develop computer skills for informational, academic, personal, and professional needs. (CIS 146)
  • Information Literacy—Students will locate, access, and analyze information that facilitates learning and critical inquiry. (Library Orientation in ENG 101 and SPH 107)

A.A.S. Degree Programs

In addition to the General Education Outcomes, for each career and technical program the College has identified Program Learning Outcomes based on the principle that each graduate should exhibit, in a professional manner, the knowledge and skills of a qualified practitioner in the field. The Program Learning Outcomes for each career/technical program are listed on the individual programs here.