Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the voice of students at Northeast. Its purpose is to promote the general welfare of students, to cultivate friendship and cooperation among the students and faculty, and to encourage participation in individual and group responsibilities in a democratic atmosphere. Through SGA participation and appropriate committee appointments, students participate in the college’s decisionmaking process. All persons registered as students at Northeast are members of this organization and are encouraged to take an active part in its functions. Sponsor: Joan Reeves, English Building.

It is the official policy of the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees and entities under its direction and control, including Northeast Alabama Community College, that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of any impermissible criterion or characteristic, including, without limitation, race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, disability, sex, age, or any other protected class as defined by federal and state law. (Sources: ACCS Board of Trustees Policies 601.02 – 4/13/16 and 800.00 – 5/10/17) 

SGA Constitution 

Article I. Designation 

Section 1. Name:

The organization representing the students at Northeast Alabama Community College shall be called the Student Government Association

Section 2. Members:

All students attending Northeast Alabama Community College shall be members. 

Section 3. Officers:

The officers and members representing the students shall be known as the Student Government Association. The officers shall be president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and historian. There shall be three elected representatives from each class.

Section 4. Awards:

Student Government Association awards shall be made to each Student Government Association member. The type and kind of award shall be voted on by the Student Government Association.

Article II. The Student Government Association Section 

Section 1. Qualifications:

To be eligible for officership in the Student Government Association, a student must carry a regular class load, must have a 3.0 grade point average, and must not be on probation. To be an officer in the Student Government Association, a student must have completed two semesters at Northeast Alabama Community College, and have attained at least 30 hours credit at the end of the spring semester.

Section 2. Selection:

A selection committee composed of the faculty advisors and two students will review records of students whose names are submitted by the students as candidates for membership in the Student Government Association. Three students for each officer and a maximum of ten students from each class for representatives will be chosen as candidates for election by secret ballot by the students. Officers will be elected during the latter part of the spring semester and installed at the beginning of the following term. Election of members shall be held no later than two weeks after the beginning of the fall semester.

Section 3. Suspension:

An officer or representative can be suspended from his/her office if he/ she misses more than two meetings or SGA functions. Additionally, should an officer or representative receive more than two reprimands for failing to perform his/her duties, he/she can be suspended from office.

Section 4. Vacancies:

In the event the office of the president of the Student Government Association is vacated, the vice-president will become president, and a new member will be appointed by the remaining council members. In the event of a vacancy in the position of secretary, treasurer, or historian, a new member will be appointed to fill the vacancy. If more than one office is vacated at the same time, there will be an election to fill these vacancies.

If the presidency, secretaryship, and treasurership are vacated, the vicepresident will become president, and there will be an election to fill the office of vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. If a representative vacates his position, the Student Government Association will appoint a new representative.

Section 5. Removal from Office:

Any officer of the Student Government Association whose g.p.a. drops below a 3.0 will be allowed one semester to raise his/ her grades to the required level. Failure to do so will automatically result in removal from office. Any student who is placed on probation will be removed from office. A member of the Student Government Association who is found guilty of any activity which would bring discredit upon the college or the students will be subject to removal from office.

Section 6. Tenure of Office:

All officers and members of the Student Government Association shall serve for a period of twelve months or until their successors shall have been duly chosen and installed in the fall semester. This tenure is with the provision that all services conducted are satisfactory.

Section 7. Duties and Responsibilities:

The Student Government Association will assist in planning and executing a program of co-curricular activities for the students. Such activities will be planned in accordance with established school policies as outlined in the student handbook and catalog. The Student Government Association will conduct all student elections and perform such other duties as may be appropriate for the organization. All members are to attend all Student Government Association meetings. Absences from meetings may be excused by the presiding officer and sponsor.

Section 8. Meetings:

The Student Government Association may meet at least twice each month or as often as is deemed necessary. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members including at least two officers and the sponsor.

Article III. Amendments 

Section 1. Proposal:

Amendments may be proposed by any student. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Student Government Association.

Section 2. Ratification:

In not more than two weeks after the proposed amendment is submitted, the Student Government Association will review the suggestion to determine whether a vote is necessary. Any proposed amendment must be approved by the sponsor in order for an amendment to be ratified. A majority of the student body must vote in the election, and two-thirds of those voting must be in favor of the change.

Powers and Duties of the President: 

  1. Administer and enforce the constitution, its by-laws, and the Student Government Association statutes;
  2. Appoint committees with the concurrence of the Student Government Association;
  3. Remove, at his/her discretion, any person whom he/she has the power to appoint to fill vacancies in elective offices;
  4. Instruct and require reports from executive officers and committee members;
  5. Call and preside over meetings of the Student Government Association;
  6. Make recommendations for legislation to the Student Government Association;
  7. Have the power to sign or veto statutes passed by the Student Government Association, provided that he/she exercise such power within ten class days after receipt of said legislation. A presidential veto may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of the Student Government Association membership.
  8. Vote in case of a tie.

Power and Duties of the Vice-President:

  1. Assume the powers and duties of the president in his/her absence.
  2. Assume the office of president should the president resign, be removed, or surrender office.

Powers and Duties of the Secretary: 

  1. Take minutes and maintain records of meetings of the Student Government Association.
  2. Conduct Student Government Association correspondence.
  3. Complete all activity requests.

Powers and Duties of the Treasurer:

  1. Maintain and complete financial records of all the Student Government Association funds.
  2. Complete all purchase order forms.

Powers and Duties of the Historian:

  1. Coordinate with the college public relations director to advertise all Student Government Association activities.
  2. Attend all Student Government Association functions and make pictures.
  3. Maintain a Student Government Association scrapbook.​​​​​​​