Social Event Guidelines

  1. Any student or visitor attending a social function under the influence of alcohol or drugs or having either in their possession will be turned over to the proper law officials. Offending students may be suspended after a proper hearing.
  2. Visitors may attend social functions only by invitation which must be approved by the Social Committee. Students will be held accountable for the actions of their guests.
  3. All social events at the College are sponsored and attended by certain faculty/staff members.
  4.  All visitors and students attending social events will be expected to attend in the building housing the social event and there only. When guests or hosts leave the building, they will be expected to leave the social and the campus for the evening.
  5.  All socials will be closed no later than 12:00 midnight.
  6. Attendees must be at least sixteen years of age.
  7. NO refreshments may be brought into a social event.
  8. Each student will sign in for herself/himself and for any nonstudent guest(s).
  9.  Any attendee who goes outside during the social event will first be hand stamped if planning to return to event.