Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Practical Nursing Program will be able to:
- Promote the human dignity, integrity, self-determination and personal growth of clients, oneself, and members of the health care team. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
- Advocate for the client and family in the provision of compassionate and coordinated care to support the health, safety, and well-being of clients and families. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
- Provide a rationale for judgments used in the provision of safe, quality care and for decisions that promote the health of clients within a family context. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
- Incorporate information and technology within own scope of practice to support safe processes of care. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
- Demonstrate the effective use of strategies to reduce risk of harm to self or others. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
- Demonstrate awareness of good practice, boundaries of practice, and professional identity formation including knowledge and attitudes derived from self-understanding and empathy, ethical questions and choices that are gleaned from a situation, awareness of client needs, and other contextual knowing. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
- Function competently within own scope of practice as a member of the health care team. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
- By collaborating with health care team members, utilize evidence, tradition, and client preferences in predictable client care situations to promote optimal health status.(NUR 114, NUR 115)
- Utilize various sources of information to review outcomes of care identifying potential areas for improvement of the quality and safety of care. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
- Implement evidence-based practice in the provision of individualized health care. (NUR 114, NUR 115)
Success Guide
Fundamentals of Oral Communication or Public Speaking
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Area V - Pre-Professional, Major, & Elective Courses
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