Distance Education Courses

In order to take online courses, a student must have access to active internet connection with an internet service provider and a functional browser. Broadband (high speed) connections are preferred but not required. Courses will work with dial-up connections but the student may experience a lower level of performance. Lab and library computers with high speed connections are available on campus for students who do not have an adequate internet connection at home or are experiencing problems with their home equipment.

Students may use a device of their choice to complete online courses provided that the device is up-to-date and compatible with the Canvas Learning Management System. Northeast does not provide technical support nor guarantee satisfactory performance of course software with any device other than devices/computers owned by the college.

Northeast utilizes the Canvas Learning Management System for online course delivery. Northeast does not control these servers and additional hardware or software requirements or limitations may apply. Individual courses may have specific hardware or software requirements in addition to basic connectivity. If you have questions about specific courses, consult your class syllabus, contact your instructor, or contact the Student and Faculty Technology Learning Center at extension 2309.

Distance education courses meet the same standards of quality of those offered in classroom instruction on campus. Each course provides opportunities for interaction with the instructor as well as classmates. Students will be given information on the logistics of accessing and participating in the online course by the instructor. The instructor will also provide students with information on access to library resources. Students will be expected to complete internet courses within the semester time frame that they enrolled for the course. Students are advised that Internet courses demand good self-motivation habits and persistence in completing assignments.

Registration procedures and tuition for distance learning courses will be the same as for regular on campus courses.

For more information contact the Student and Faculty Technology Learning Center in room 107, Business Education Building, or call phone extension 2309.