Academic Progress Standards

These standards of progress shall apply to all students unless otherwise noted.

  1.  Exceptions

    Programs within the institution which are subject to external licensure, certification, and/or accreditation or which are fewer than four semesters in length may have higher standards of progress than the institutional standards of progress.

    A transfer student whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is less than 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will be admitted on Academic Probation upon admission and must transition to these standards of academic progress.

    Special standards of academic progress have been established for students enrolled in institutional credit courses carrying optional grades and for students who wish to remain eligible to receive Title IV financial aid.
  2. Required GPA Levels for Students According to Number of Hours Attempted at the Institution

    Students who have attempted 12-21 semester credit hours at the institution must maintain a 1.5 Cumulative Grade Point Average. 

    Students who have attempted 22-32 semester credit hours at the institution must maintain a 1.75 Cumulative Grade Point Average.

    Students who have attempted 33 or more semester credit hours at the institution must maintain a 2.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average.
  3. Intervention for Student Success

    When a student is placed on Academic Probation, or one-term academic suspension or one-calendar year academic suspension, then institution officials may provide intervention methods for the student. These strategies and methods may include but are not limited to limiting the student’s course load, requiring study skills seminars, administering the LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory) and/or recommending other specific courses. Students on Academic Probation may also be included in the SAGE early alert process.
  4. Application of Standards of Progress

    When the Cumulative GPA is at or above the GPA required for the total number of credit hours attempted at the institution, the student’s status is Clear.

    When the student’s Cumulative GPA is below the GPA required for the number of credit hours attempted at the institution, the student is placed on Academic Probation. When the Cumulative GPA of a student who is on Academic Probation remains below the GPA required for the total number of credit hours attempted at the institution but the semester GPA is 2.0 or above, the student remains on Academic Probation.

    When the Cumulative GPA of a student who is on Academic Probation remains below the GPA required for the total number of credit hours attempted at the institution and the semester GPA is below 2.0, the student is suspended for one semester. The transcript will read SUSPENDED–ONE SEMESTER.

    The student who is suspended for one semester may appeal. If, after appeal, the student is readmitted without serving the one semester suspension, the transcript will read SUSPENDED–ONE SEMESTER/READMITTED UPON APPEAL.

    The student who is readmitted upon appeal re-enters the institution on Academic Probation. A student who is on Academic Probation after being suspended for one semester (whether the student has served the suspension or has been readmitted upon appeal) without having since achieved Clear academic status and whose Cumulative GPA falls below the level required for the total number of hours attempted at the institution but whose semester GPA is 2.0 or above will remain on Academic Probation until the student achieves the required GPA for the total number of hours attempted.

    A student returning from a one term or one year suspension and, while on academic probation, fails to obtain the required GPA for the number of hours attempted and fails to maintain a term GPA of 2.0, will be placed on a one year suspension.

    The student may appeal a one term or one year suspension.

    The permanent student record will reflect the student’s status (except when the status is clear). When appropriate, the record will reflect ACADEMIC PROBATION, ACADEMIC SUSPENSION–ONE TERM, ACADEMIC PROBATION–ONE YEAR, ONE TERM SUSPENSION– READMITTED ON APPEAL, OR ONE YEAR SUSPENSION–READMITTED ON APPEAL.

    If a student declares no contest of the facts leading to suspension but simply wishes to request consideration for readmission, the student may submit a request in writing for an “appeal for readmission” to the Admissions Committee.

    During the meeting of the Admissions Committee, which shall not be considered a “due process” hearing but rather a petition for readmission, the student shall be given an opportunity to present a rationale and/or statement of mitigating circumstances in support of immediate readmission. The decision of the Admissions Committee, together with the materials presented by the student, shall be placed in the college’s official records. Additionally, a copy of the written decision shall be provided to the student.Equity, reasonableness, and consistency should be the standards by which such decisions are measured.
  5. Initial Academic Status of Transfer Students

    A transfer student whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale will be admitted on CLEAR academic status.

    A transfer student whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is less than 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will be admitted only on Academic Probation. The transcript will read ADMITTED ON ACADEMIC PROBATION.

    An applicant who has been academically suspended from another regionally or Council on Occupational Education accredited postsecondary institution may be admitted as a transfer student only after following the appeal process established at the college for “native” students who have been academically suspended. If the transfer student is admitted upon appeal, the student will enter the institution on Academic Probation. The transcript will read ADMITTED UPON APPEAL— ACADEMIC PROBATION.
  6. Definition of Terms

    Grade Point Average (GPA) – The grade point average based on all hours attempted during any one term at the institution based on a 4 point scale.

    Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) – The grade point average based on all hours attempted at the institution based on a 4 point scale. 

    Clear Academic Status – The status of a student whose Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is at or above the level required by this policy for the number of credit hours attempted at the institution.

    Academic Probation
    (1) The status of a student whose Cumulative GPA falls below the level required by this policy for the total number of credit hours attempted at the institution; or
    (2) The status of a student who was on Academic Probation the previous term and whose Cumulative GPA for that semester remained below the level required by this policy for the total number of credit hours attempted at the institution but whose Semester GPA for that term was 2.0 or above.

    One Semester Academic Suspension – The status of a student who was on Academic Probation the previous term but who has never been suspended or who, since suspension, had achieved Clear Academic Status and whose Cumulative GPA that term was below the level required by this policy for the total number of credit hours attempted at the institution and whose Semester GPA for that term was below 2.0.

    One Year Academic Suspension – The status of a student who was on Academic Probation the previous term and who had been previously suspended without since having achieved Clear Academic Status and whose Cumulative GPA that term remained below the level required by this policy for the total number of credit hours attempted at the institution and whose Semester GPA for that term was below 2.0.

    Appeal of Suspension – The process by which an institution shall allow a student suspended for one term or one year (whether a “native” student or a transfer student) to request readmission without having to serve the suspension.